
Showing posts from October, 2019


I was not in class today I was taking the ACT work keys.


We did an activity today where we looked at ourselves in the front camera of our phones. We had to write describing what we saw in the mirror. We began readying a new poem today called mirror and below is what my description was. When I look in the mirror I see someone I don’t particularly favor. This is a girl in the process I’m trying to find herself in every way. She wants to be happy and loved taken care of but it is coming slowly. All in all she is still dedicated and moving forward in her life to better things and constantly moving up.

No teacher

Mr rease was absent today we finished our paragraphs and worked on the scenes in the book.

Field trip

Today was very fun, we went on a field trip to see the play Frankenstein. I will say it is now one of my favorites and I loved it. Afterwards we ate at Steak ‘n Shake which was very delicious!

90s day

We had a shortened class period today due to our 90s day party we had. We listened to a littl bit of music and took pictures while finishing our assignment from yesterday.


Today we worked in groups and brainstormed an essay prompt and collectively came up with a thesis and body paragraph.

Fences again

We finished reading fences today and Mr. Rease gave us a group assignments on different scenes. We will present them on Wednesday.

Fences claims

Today in class we chose claims and started writing a paragraph on the claims step by step. Towards the end of class we continued reading more of the play.

Down time

Mr. Rease was not here today we did an assignment from our textbook and turned them in.


I did not come to school today

Essay talk

Today we spent the entirety of class going over the propers parts of an essay. This goes back to our essay we did a couple of weeks ago and many of ours were not very well. Mr. Rease printed out copies with a few of these essays as examples. We took notes and discussed a rubric to further better our essay writing skills.

A break

We did no work and had down time


We were supposed to take our eqt today but we spent class talking to an auburn university recruiter.

Half way there

We continued reading fences today also with a small class discussion about what makes and man and a boy. We talked about when we would take our eqt which will be tomorrow.


We started a new play today called fences. I believe I will enjoy it so far it is interesting and entertaining. Mr. Rease says we will be done with it very quickly.

Short day

The entire school spent majority of the day in homeroom due to testing. Mr. Rease class was shortened therefore we spent the short time playing a team kahoot.

A twist

Mr.Rease put the entire class into groups today and gave them football team names. He is using this as an opportunity for us to gain credit but to get it daily yourself and your group members must actively participate, that is with the correct responses. He is giving us until next Tuesday to settle the top group.