
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying reflection : day 12

Grant felt an ease of mind and tackled his visit with Jefferson head on. This is definitely from the seasonal happenings and Vivian’s company. He spoke with Paul, the security guard and learned much of what goes on at the jail and Jefferson’s actions. During this point I feel that Grants words may have taken some point into Jefferson. After a long time of him being disrespectful to Grant and he gets angry. He states his only reason for keeping the visits is because of Vivian. After he is on his way out the sheriff noted the plans of Ms.Emma, Tante Lou, and the reverend for the next visit to jefferson. I feel there may be a different atmosphere not due to a new setting but because of Grant’s words. Throughout all this the sheriff and Grants conscience both agree that there is not progress being made.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 11

Vivian has visited Grant at his home. They spent much time talking about one another’s lives and the neighborhood of the town. It is showing that their relationship is starting to grow. They both met back with Ms.Emma, Tante Lou and their other church associates at home. There is a tension due to Grant and Vivian’s prescience. After some time they women show that they like Vivian. They may even think that she’s too good for Grant and he will effect her negatively. Since Vivian has mentioned it, Grant planned a Christmas program with his kids at the school. He said for them to remember somebody this season, this could possibly be about Jefferson. Later ass the day went on Ms.Emma confronted Grant saying how he lied about what Jefferson has done and said. She and he others who visited him had first accountancy of his games he has been playing in his cell with his talk of being a big. He also still had showed blankness and just no emotion at all. All of this caused Ms Emma to slap him. It

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 10

Sunday’s were an interesting time for Grant. Being that he was and has been a non believer for years now brought conflict to his life. He reminisced on the Friday once he got back home. He was finally forced to speak up about Jefferson. He told half truths to Ms.Emma which seemed to enlighten her only slightly.  Meanwhile Reverend Ambrose wanted felt that God should have been brought up to Jefferson as he is “about to meet him”. They will bring a bible to him on his next visit. It seems that Vivian May have had a change of mind and gave Grant a visit at home.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 9

Grant continued on his daily vist to Jefferson alone. Jefferson was different this day. He spoke more and showed surprising facial expressions. He only refers to himself as a hog, even to go as far as demonstrating how hogs eat. Grant left and had to bring news to Ms Emma about Jefferson. This was hard for him due to the fact of that he did not want to hurt her anymore than she already has. He takes a trip to the rainbow club to regather his thoughts and figure out what to do. Later he visits Vivian at her school to speak with her. Going to Bayonne to see her may be his outlet to his problems; he gains an extra false hope from this.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 8

The fourth day of visiting Jefferson came quickly but there was a change. Ms. Emma was “sick” and no longer able to come leaving Grant alone in this journey. He had finally reached a closing point where his feelings were overbearing. He was tired of being humiliated by whites around him in almost every way possible. All the trouble he’s gone through just to please Ms. Emma and his aunt he felt was not worth so. He continues to say that everything his aunt taught him about living and not turning into the “nigger” he was born to be had only brought him closer than ever before.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 7

Grant and Ms Emma’s first visit to Jefferson was quite peculiar. The rituals of being checked of everything by officers before going it was extra grueling. Upon arrival to Jefferson’s cell he had a severe lack up emotion. He would not respond nor even barely turn his head toward the two people. It was clear that he was thinking, consumed by thoughts. One of the few words he said was that “it don’t matter”. He was to the point where he felt nothing mattered anymore but the fact that he will inevitably die. Jefferson barely awknowkeged who Ms. Emma and Grant were referring to him was the one who will be pulling the switch. The next visits with Jefferson May tell more of his thoughts and feelings about everything.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 6

As Grant watched his students chop up wood in the yard he began to reminisce. It is ironic how when he was in school the same thing went on. The children choose food and put them away just the same as the older men who had dropped them off. He felt that he was serving no purpose as a teacher. The same cycle he said was happening again what he had been taught, he taught it to them .

Summary of my weekend

My weekend started on Friday night with my first parade of the year as a flag girl. It was a very long night which we took much time preparing for. Overall it was a great night but afterwards I was extremely tired and was relieved once it was over. Saturday I spent all day working at my job. We were very busy at that. Once I got home I started preparing for the next day getting a few things done. Sunday was for cleaning; I spent my time washing clothes, folding them, doing homework, cleaning around the house. By the time everything was done it was time for me to go to work and once again prepare for the new week of school once I got home.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 5

The superintendent Dr. Joseph was a short heavy set man. His visit to the school was a very important event and Mr. Grant spend much time preparing the children. I connected much of Dr. Joseph’s words  and observations to times of slavery. As said in the book slave owners used to check slaves teeth and hygiene before buying them. Also he referenced to the children being strong and healthy and doing work on the plantation to improve their health but to also get money to provide for things and not be “lazy”. Mr. Grant wanted to take this visit to bring forth proposals for new items they need in their school. Be that as it may, Dr. Joseph brushes off everything he said as the white schools being in the same place and you have to work with what you have.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 4

Grant came to visit Mr Pichot as requested; during this time he had guests at his home. He was greeted by Ms. Inez where he waited a quite a while. He eventually talked to Edna Guidry who was all for him goingn to visit Jefferson her husband seemed to differ. The entire time grant was there he knew it was all a process of insulting him. They made him wait about two and a half hours not to mention he was hungry. I feel that Inez felt so deeply for him because she knew they had already made the decision not to send him to Jefferson. The sheriff saw no purpose in Grants visit and virtually felt that Jefferson couldn’t be taught anything. To see the men be insulted by Grant’s intelligence is eye opening due to the fact that they feel control over him. He given the ability to go visit him but it was greatly expressed to him that he was wasting his time. Grant also seemed to feel this way about the situation.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 3

Grant returned home from his nightly adventure for his next day to continue as a teacher. He awoke to his aunt being mad at him and started his day. I find it interesting how he toaught the children in a church and the age range that he took upon. Grant’s clear irritation was fueled by his aunt and the situation with Jefferson. The entire day he treated his students a bit more harsh than usual and even sprung a talk about Jefferson. He told them he was trying to make them good young men and women but I can not even get that done. This is the same way he feels about Jefferson ; as if there is nothing he can do. I wonder what his upcoming netting with Mr. Pichot will involve around Jefferson.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 2

Grant goes to Bayonne to inevitably meet his lover Vivian. He is in a time of need and clearing of the trials with Jefferson. Although Ms. Emma wants him to visit Jefferson, not only is it not in his control but he does not see the purpose. He states, “how am I supposed to tell someone how to live before dying without having lived”. If he were to speak a few words to Jefferson in the end his fate will still be death. Grant will go forth with the plan after Vivian convinces him to do it for her and grant himself. Grant is in his own state of life where he has not lived enough and may not consider himself a man at that. This is one of the reasons he is ready to leave with Vivian for a new start.

A Lesson Before Dying reflection: day 1

  The whole beginning telling of the story at the trial was quite intriguing to me. Personally I do not believe it to an extent. He could have been telling the truth with plot holes making a deep hole into the overall story. During the trial Jefferson is deemed nothing more lowly than a hog and sentenced to death. It is apparent that during this time a fair trial for blacks were not active. Ms Emma wants Jefferson to “die as a man” , she says. She has accepted his fate but it has hurt her so deeply for him to recognized in such a way she wants grant to help her by going to talk with him as a teacher or in my eyes as a mentor. As she begs Mr. Henry Pichot for a co-sign in helping Jefferson his demeanor is sour. He truly could care less about her feeling nor for jefferson. He did say that Jefferson commuted the crime surely with heart. This brings forth his cold stance of Jefferson’s imminent doom as unchangable in anyway.